What do after a car accident in Florida?

No matter how careful of a driver you are in Florida, there is a good chance you will be involved in a car accident. These crashes can have a lasting impact on you and your family. You need a lawyer to protect your rights.

According to the Florida Highway Safety Motor Vehicle (FHSMV) Crash Dashboard, in 2022 alone there were:

All Crashes: 366,076

Fatalities from Car Crashes:     3,146

Injuries from Car Crashes: 232.943

Hiring an experienced attorney that specializes in auto accidents can be a great way to not only save you money but maximize your potential recovery moving forward. An experienced attorney can help you gather evidence, negotiate with opposing parties and insurance companies, and prepare to take your case to trial when a settlement is not possible. 

Please remember the following steps to protect your health after an accident and your right to injury compensation. You may feel overwhelmed, and everything seems like a blur, but it is important to navigate the following steps:

  1. Call 911 and request emergency assistance. Also try to do your best to render reasonable assistance to the injured until medical or police assistance arrives. 
  2. Stay at the scene and exchange information. You are required by Florida law to stop and check that no one is hurt even if the accident only caused property damage. Try not to block traffic but stop at or near the scene of the accident. You must provide your name, address, and registration number of the vehicle to the other driver.  Be prepared to show your driver’s license upon request.
  3. Seek prompt medical attention for yourself. Refusing or delaying medical treatment after an accident is risky for your health and can undermine your potential injury claim. It may not be a good idea to “wait and see” as the insurance company may dispute that your injuries were related to this crash.
  4. Gather evidence from the scene for documentation.
  • Take photos or videos of the accident scene if possible and of the other driver, their occupants, and their vehicle.
  • Get any witnesses name and contact information.
  • Make notes about the accident while the details are still fresh in your mind.
  1. Notify both insurance companies. You are obligated by Florida law to notify your insurance carrier even if the accident was not your fault.  You should not provide any additional information or recorded statement to the insurance company without your attorney present as it could damage your claim.
  2. Keep notes of everyone you speak to regarding the accident. Keep copies of all bills related to the accident.
  3. Get a copy of the Police report.
  4. Contact an attorney to protect your rights. 

Remember, the following factors can impact car accident compensation:

  • Type and severity of injuries
  • Shared fault
  • Multiple vehicle collisions
  • Number of injuries of all victims
  • Fatalities
  • Available insurance coverage.

When you and others are badly injured, there may not be enough insurance money to cover everyone’s damages. 

Lipinski Law has the experience and proven track record to get you the compensation you deserve. Do not wait, call us today at 561-453-8500. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you won’t owe us any fees unless and until we successfully settle or win your case.

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